• 兽径

  • 状态:更新HD
  • 类型:
  • 主演:吴原标
  • 年代:2020
  • 地区:中国台湾

简介:高山上的丛林一隅,幾名非法移工準備搬運盜伐的木頭下山。另一端,員警匿伏全日,百無聊賴地等待著。一場不测使得雙方有了交會,在夜色逐漸籠罩的丛林裡,他們瞥見了彼此生存的蹤跡……。  Several illegal migrant workers carry the felled logs through a small winding trail. An accident happens when the police try to arrest them.  The night coming, the injured worker, ?oàn, has a strange interaction with the man who wants to find him. They catch a glimpse of each other's traces o...


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