• 桑拿生活

  • 状态:高清
  • 类型:
  • 主演:Timo Aalto Martti Åhman Pekka Ahonen Aarne Aksila
  • 上映时间:2010-01-26
  • 地区:芬兰

简介:一群裸体男人坐在桑拿室里,率直地倾吐着他们的心声。在生锈的炉子发生的热气中,这些人不但清洗他们的身体也清洗着他们的精神。镜头走进芬兰各地差别的桑拿室,让咱们共享洗浴者关于爱,生死,友情和生活的故事。摄像机以最简单的镜头语言记录下风景,桑拿室和洗桑拿者。此中对人物和感情深度的显现几近到了让观众没法忍耐下去的边缘。影片以及其亲密的视角向咱们展示了这些裸露的灵魂,并描绘出一幅幅布满诗意的芬兰人的画像。Naked Finnish men sit in the sauna and speak straight from their heart. In the warmth of rusty stoves these men cleanse themselves both physically and mentally. The film travels through Finland and the camera joins men in many different saunas to let us hear touching stories about love, death, birth and friendship; about life. In all of its simplicity the camera records the landscapes, saunas and men in almost magical pictures. The presence of the characters and the depth of the emotion reaches the limit where it is almost intolerable for the viewer to watch. This film reveals the naked souls of these men exceptionally intimately and creates a poetic portrayal of Finnish men.

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